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Johann Wolfgang Goethe wrote about the encounter with the Italian range of Apennines in the masterpiece "Journey to Italy": "The Apennines are for me a wonderful piece of creation. The great plain of the Po region follows a chain of mountains which rises from the bottom, to close the continent to the south between two seas. [...] It's such a bizarre tangle of mountain walls, close to each other, which often can't even tell which way the water flows. ». There's no better way to describe the variety of the landscape of this part of the Via. After the Apennines you'll meet the Apuan Alps, famous for the marble mines, used by the Roman Empire for building villas and by Michelangelo and Donatello. From the highest point of the hike you'll see the Mediterranean.
- The wild Apennines range, the "green heart of Italy"
- The old villages of Lunigiana region such as Pontremoli and Sarzana
- The excellent local food and wine

Daily itinerary

DSC02578Day 1: Arrival in Fornovo
Individual arrival in Fornovo . Dinner and overnight stay in Hotel*** in Fornovo. Meals (D)

PaviaDay 2: Fornovo - Cassio (4h30 / 5 hours hiking, +1030mt -385mt, 20 km)
From Fornovo you enter the Apennine mountain range. The landscape is more hilly and at the distance you can see the high pastures. Passing the "Alpe Bardonis", a very important place for resting and hospitality during the pilgrimage to Rome. The tiny and beautiful village of Cassio on the wild "Val Baganza". Dinner not included and overnight stay in B&B in Cassio. (B)
DSC02594Day 3: Cassio - Berceto (4 hours hiking, +300mt -200mt, 10 km)
Today you'll reach the highest point of the journey, the "Cisa Pass". On clear days you can see the Mediterranean! Hiking in centenary forest of chestnut and beech, shelter for the wolves and the deer. The small village of Berceto is known for its cathedral of the XII century and its mushroom production. Dinner and overnight stay in Hotel in Berceto. ( B-D)
piacenzaDay 4: Berceto – Pontremoli (7h30 +1148mt / -1763mt, 28 km)
Leaving the Emilia region entering the Tuscany one, in the first village in Lunigiana. Along your way lovely bridges and villages, built of stone and local wood. Tiny squares, medieval churches and fountains, will take you back in time, breathing a truly pilgrim atmosphere. Located on the banks of the river Magra, Pontremoli offers one of the most beautiful historical centres of Italy and so much culture. Dinner not included and overnight in B&B in Pontremoli.( B)
IMG 9417Day 5: Pontremoli – Aulla (6h30 +519mt / -689mt, 29 km)
Today you will discover the valley of the river Magra. You will pass near by the villages of Villafranca in Lunigiana and Terrarossa. Along the way, many castles of the noble Malaspina family enrich the landscapes. Before reaching Aulla you will pass the abbey of St. Caprasio which dates from the 9th century. Dinner not included and overnight stay in B&B in Aulla ( B)
DSC02599Day 6: Aulla - Sarzana (6h30 hours hiking, +500mt / -500mt, 18 km)
Aulla was entirely destroyed during the bombing of the Second World War. This village on the shore of the Serchio river, has been proudly rebuilt by its inhabitants. During the hike in the pastures you'll have your first chance to see the amazing Alpi Apuane mountain range. Dinner not included and overnight stay in B&B in Sarzana. ( B)

Fidenza-Town-Hall-Garibaldi-Obelisk-2012Day 7: Sarzana - Massa (6 hours hiking, +400mt -400mt, 24 km)
Sarzana gives its celebrity to the marble of the mines in the Apuan Alps. From Michelangelo to Botero, the most important sculptors ever came here to create from the "perfect marble"...Along the hike to the town of Massa, you have the opportunity to visit the ancient Roman port and theatre of Luni. End of the tour
In Massa you can book an extra night in hotel (option) or continue walking on the next part of Via Francigena
Note meals: B (Breakfast); L(lunch); D (dinner)

Skill level: medium, 4,30 to 6h30 hours walking each day, well marked large and paved paths and wooden trails. Prior hiking experience is recommended.

Accommodation: 6 nights in hotel ***/**, and B&B based on twin/triple ensuite room

Equipment: trekking shoes, wind and water proof jacket, hat and gloves, bathing suit, sun glasses and sun cream.
- 6 nights' accommodation with B&B treatment
- Luggage transfer from day 2 to day 7
- Dinners included as described in the program
- 24 h Phone Assistance in case of emergency
- Maps, road book and description of the tour

Not included:
- All kind of beverages and personal items
- All lunches (about 5€ for each picnic lunch)
- Dinners not included in the program
- Transfer to the first accommodation in Fornovo on day 1
- Tourist tax where required (about 2€ per day per person)
Published in Pilligrim Way
Crossing the Po river as Sigeric did during his travel to Rome? Yes, it's still possible on the Via Francigena. From the same dock, the "transitum padii" you'll be led by a modern "Caronte" to the opposite shore of the Po river, in the direction of Piacenza. The amazing town rises at the end of the Plain and at the bottom of the Apennine, the oldest Italian mountain range. The landscape in this part of the Via is very various! Rivers, valleys, countryside, old villages rising on the shore of the rivers. Passing Fidenza and its amazing cathedral until the beginning of the hilly area of Fornovo.
- The historical centre of Pavia and Fidenza and the cathedrals.
- The navigation of the Po river, the biggest Italian river
- The excellent local food and wine

Daily itinerary

DSC02578Day 1: Arrival in Pavia
Individual arrival in Pavia and overnight in Hotel/B&B in the centre of Pavia. Dinner is not included.

PaviaDay 2: Pavia – St. Cristina (6 h30 hiking, +160mt -170mt, 27 km)
From the red brick built town of Pavia and its amazing medieval bridge on the Ticino river, the trail starts to enter the countryside, becoming more and more hilly until the small hamlet of Belgioioso, where you can enjoy the great "Castle". Another heritage SITE of the powerful family of Visconti. Short private transfer to Mirandolo. Dinner and overnight in B&B in Miradolo Terme. ( B-D )
DSC02594Day 3: St. Cristina – Orio Litta ( 3 h30 hiking, + 27 mt/ -40 mt , 11 km)
Following the trail along the wheat fields and old fortified farmhouse, you'll discover another important Italian river, the "Lambro river", that has its springs in the Alps. Overnight stay in Orio Litta. ( B)

piacenzaDay 4: Orio litta – Piacenza (6 hours hiking, +44mt -43mt, 22 km)
Crossing the Po with the ferry river is one of the highlight of the entire Via Francigena, as Sigeric did 1000 years before! The path in the countryside takes you to another gem of the architecture of North Italy: Piacenza. The charming town was founded in the 218 B.C. by the Romans as first settlement of North Italy, to defence the invasion of Hannibal. Visit the impressive "Duomo" and the S. Savino church, as the elegant square of the municipality. Overnight in B&B in Piacenza. ( B)
IMG 9417Day 5: Piacenza – Fiorenzuola d'Arda ( 7h30 hiking, +141 mt-123mt, 34 km)
Today you will walk through the Emilia-Romagna countryside. The nice town of Fiorenzuola is located in the valley of the river Arda. During your hike, you will discover some of the oldest human settlements in Italy. Overnight stay in Fiorenzuola d'Arda. ( B)

DSC02599Day 6: Fiorenzuola d'Arda – Fidenza ( 6h hiking, + 1480mt – 1480 mt, 24 km)
This walking day is really easy and flat. The last section on the plain provides the opportunity to admire two religious buildings of great interest: the Cistercian Abbey of Chiaravalle della Colomba including an interesting cloister and the Cathedral of Fidenza, a valuable example of Lombardy Romanesque style dedicated to San Donnino. Dinner and overnight stay in Fidenza ( B-D )

Fidenza-Town-Hall-Garibaldi-Obelisk-2012Day 7: Fidenza - Medesano (5h30 hours hiking, +150mt / -150mt, 22 km)
Today is the most cultural part of the Via Francigena. Thanks to a fantastic trail in the first hilly landscape of you journey, you meet the incredible town of Fidenza. Elected by Carlo Magno as the most strategic point between the Padana plain and the Mediterranean to conserve the Romanesque Cathedral and the medieval walls. Dinner and overnight in Medesano (B-D )
Day 8: Medesano – Fornovo
( 4 hours hiking, +239 m / -236 m, 12 km)
A short walk along the bank of the Taro river will lead you to Fornovo. This little town has always been an important crossroads as this is where the Via Francigena and a bridge over the Taro meet each other. End of the tour ( B )
In Fornovo you can book an extra night in hotel (option) or continue walking on the next part of Via Francigena
Note meals: B (Breakfast); L(lunch); D (dinner)

Skill level: medium, 5 to 6 hours walking each day, well marked large and paved paths and wooden trails. A prior hiking experience is recommended.

Accommodation: 7 nights in hotel *** and B&B based on twin/triple ensuite room

Equipment: trekking shoes, wind and water proof jacket, hat and gloves, bathing suit, sun glasses and sun cream.

- 7 nights' accommodation with B&B treatment
- Luggage transfer from day 2 to day 8
- Private transfer to hotel in Miradolo Terme on day 2
- Dinners included as described in the program
- 24 h Phone Assistance in case of emergency
- Maps, road book and description of the tour

Not included:
- All kind of beverages and personal items
- All lunches (about 5€ for each pick nick lunch)
- Dinners not included
- Transfer to the first accommodation in Pavia on day 1
- Tourist tax where required (about 2€ per day per person)
Published in Pilligrim Way

Location Apulia

italia Puglia


Trips note: MOTPUGD2TG

Destination: Apulia
Travel Style: Discovering
Interest: Wine & Gastronomy, Beaches &Coastal hiking
Comfort: Charming
Grade: Easy
Duration: 8 days / 7 nights
Departures: J F M A M J J A S O N D
Group size: From 4 to 16 people
Airport: Bari or Brindisi
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